Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Wine of Israel and Wine in Biblical times

!±8± The Wine of Israel and Wine in Biblical times

Israel is a nation that has a rich past. Find the turning point of history in the middle of the Bible, while today it is at the heart of the conflict. A country famous for many things, wine is not necessarily one of them. Going into a liquor store and demand the finest bottles of Israeli wine is not something that many people do.

The reason for this is that the wines that until recently was not something that Israel has brought to the table, proudly placing a bottle between the rolls andPotatoes. Instead, Israeli wine with a reputation as a type of drink someone should put a cork in it had been filled, but not for lack of trying.

The production of wine in Israel began thousands of years, perhaps even before the Biblical era. But the wines that were made during this time often tasted so bad that bottles shipped to Egypt everything you want to add flavor were garnished. Until shortly before RediWhip In addition, people throw around the honeyBerries, from pepper, salt. The bottles sent to Rome, though not lacking flavor, were so thick and so sweet that anyone who does not have a sweet tooth, or a spoon, was not able to consume them.

The wine was of such poor quality that when Arab tribes in Israel, has taken the Muslim conquest of 636, ending the production of local wine for 1,200 years, disappointment not only to ferment.

At the end of the year 1800 begins production of new wine in Israel. Determined to let IsraeliThe grapes have their day in the sun, a jew activist and philanthropist Baron Edmond de Rothschild's name began to help Jews flee oppressors, eventually helping them adapt their settlements in Palestine. Then he started helping in planting vineyards. For this reason it is considered one of the founders of the Israeli wine industry.

But the intentions of kindness and good-hearted of men was not enough to save the reputation of Israeli wine from his past. As the countries of Israel and climatewere not ideal for viticulture, the wine produced was often of poor quality. Too big and too sweet to be consumed, Israeli wine was looked on unfavorably until just a few decades.

With the adoption of modern equipment, the import of wine, an encouragement for farmers and the planting of vineyards in mountain ranges, plains and lakes nearby, Israel wine has recently much appreciated for its taste and variety . Replacing the sweet redThe wines with a lighter, dryer red wines and producing more champagne, the wines of Israel have finally begun to climb the vines in size.

Galilee, Samaria, Samson, Negev and the Judean Hills: The wines are currently produced in Israel, carried out in one of five regions. Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc are viewed as particularly good, although Israel also produces Merlot and other common varieties.

Kosher Wine

Although not all the wine produced in IsraelKosher is a good part of it. This has led many wine drinkers the false impression of Israeli wine, an impression which is based on a misunderstanding of what the "kosher" really means to have.

Some people have suggested that, if the food and drinks are Kosher the taste of the product drastically changes, similar to the production of a hamburger "vegetarian" forever changed the flavor. However, if something is Kosher it simply means that it was made in a way that adheres toDietary laws of Judaism.

There are two types of kosher wine and Mevushal Mevushal. For wine as not Mevushal, which is the basic form of Kosher, the preparation followed by a regime of specific rules. For starters, the device must be used to make wine to be kosher, and only for the production of kosher products. As the wine comes from grapes, the bottle, you can only be modified or opened, from Saturday observant Jews. During the preparation of kosher wine can only be produced moreused: artificial preservatives, colors or animal products can not be added.

Mevushal wines are subject to a further step on the agenda Kosher. Going through flash pasteurization, the wine is heated, which makes it unsuitable for the worship of idols. This, in turn, removes some of the limitations stops, the kosher wine, no matter who manages it.

Jesus and Wine

The history of Israeli wine is unique because it means that the story of Christ. Whether or notJesus claimed to drink wine, and if the wine he drank was alcoholic, has become a cornerstone in many historical and religious debates. While some people insist that Jesus drank wine, others insist that he has not done so and, of course, some fans on it Bill Clinton who has been drinking, but did not inhale.

There are very few people arguing on the premise that Jesus consumed large quantities of wine. Instead, people argue that the Bible condemns all use of alcohol orjustifies its use in moderation. Depending on which part of a person at the most, there are countless references in the Bible to go in both directions. Some people claim that the "wine" referenced in the Bible, other than non-alcoholic grape juice was. But those who have a hostile attitude, accept that there are too many Biblical references warning against excessive use of "wine". If it's just grape juice or wine, with virtually no alcohol, there would be no need toPrecautions.

While there are several examples of passages in the Bible that Jesus drank wine with and involve the most famous is probably the Last Supper, the Bible also includes innumerable references to wine in general, drink wine, not necessarily include Christ.

There are about 256 references to wine written content of the book. From these references, the reader learns that the wine from grapes, figs, dates and pomegranates has been done. It 'was oftenconsumed as part of your daily diet, time of holidays, at weddings, as gifts and offerings, and as a symbol of blessing. In some passages was also used for medicinal purposes.

The strength of the wine in this period

Another question that often in terms of wine consumption in the Bible and Christ its alcohol content. When the wine was made in the wine and not grape juice, then it is obviously a type of alcohol. But the wine of biblical timeswas much weaker than the wine we know today. Wine, while one of the reasons was the addition of water, another reason was naturally fermented (wine, no additives) was the only wine available during this period. Since the yeast and sugar were not added to wine, its alcohol content was less than a modern spirit.

Whether or not Jesus drank wine, and if condoned or condemned, is a high degree of speculation. How many elements of the debate, the peoplemany passages of the Bible, a topic to move in their direction, even when their chosen reference is fraught with ambiguity. Some people may swear that he drank, while others insist that it does not. But in truth we will never know, and in this direction, we should not really necessary: ​​if it matters, a person's faith is much bigger things on my mind of alcohol.

The Wine of Israel and Wine in Biblical times

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